Circuit Boards

Printed circuit board replacements for Koolance products.
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
Slot Adapter, ERM-3K3UA/C
Part No. ADT-ERM3K
Part No. ADT-ERM3K
ERM-3K3UA and ERM-3K3UC 9-pin slot adapter with 4-pin Molex PSU plug. Does not include temperature sensors.
Slot Adapter, Exos-2/V2/LX/2.5/EXT-440/ERM-2K
Part No. ADT-EX003P
Part No. ADT-EX003P
Exos-2, Exos-2 LX, Exos-2 V2, Exos-2.5, EXT-440, and ERM-2K3U 9-pin slot adapter with 4-pin Molex PSU plug. Does not include temperature sensors or ATX pass-through wire.
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
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