Quick Disconnect Couplings
Koolance quick disconnects couplings are specially designed fittings which automatically shut-off coolant flow upon disconnection. The flow path is reestablished when the QDC couplings are reconnected. Quick disconnects are very useful for areas in a cooling or plumbing system that are altered and moved frequently. They can also increase convenience when transporting or draining a system.

4th Gen
Koolance's Generation 4 quick disconnect couplings are dripless upon disconnection up to 0.5kgf/cm2 (7psi) of pressure.

5th Gen
Koolance's Generation 5 quick disconnect couplings are dripless upon disconnection up to 10kgf/cm2 (142psi) of pressure.

6th Gen
Koolance's Generation 6 quick disconnect couplings have improved durability through a redesigned valve structure, and can operate in a wider temperature range. They are available with EPDM or Viton seals, and are dripless upon disconnection up to 10kgf/cm2 (142psi) of pressure.

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